Our Services

Tax Returns

Self employment revolves around tax.

We will alert you to tax saving opportunities, as we prepare your tax returns. Everyone can benefit from tax advice – even a one-off consultation with our advisors could open your thought process to changing your methods to take advantage of reliefs. The Tax Returns that we can help you with are:

  • Annual Income Tax Returns.

  • Tax efficient Pension Calculations.

  • VAT Returns – Bi-Monthly, quarterly and six monthly, and Annual VAT Return of Trading Details

  • VIES returns for those who supply services to other countries in the EU.

  • Form 46G for receipt of services over €6,000 annually.

  • Capital Gains Tax Returns

  • Capital Acquisitions Tax Returns

  • Foreign Landlord Tax Returns and withholding tax regime.

  • Share based renumeration Returns

Record Keeping and Preparation of Accounts

  • We help with your record keeping. We can do it for you, or show you how to do it yourself.

  • We provide an annual record keeping workbook, and we show you how to populate it, using your online banking to keep clear accounts.

  • Your accounts are audited at year end, ready for your tax returns, your Mortgage Provider or a Grant Funding Application. We provide a worked examples, to guide you along.

  • By using the workbook we are able to give you quick and efficient year-end tax compliance work such as your income tax return.


  • We assist with succession planning considerations by providing guidance on the reliefs available and the financial impact of alternative actions.

  • We assist with Revenue intervention requests

  • We assist with Revenue Instalment arrangement set up

Professional Fees

A Barrister beginning their practice will incur a disproportionate amount of expenses compared with their ability to earn fees.

Our fees are low at this time, to acknowledge this difficulty, and demonstrate our commitment to your practice, for the long term. When we meet with a new client, the first consultation is without commitment or cost. For a barrister with a newly established practice, their first tax return is prepared without a charge. Their second has a half cost and their third will incur a full fee. As their requirements become more complex in terms of VAT or pension, the professional costs will increase in line.

For a new client with an established practice, an estimate of the fee will be provided before the work starts. When providing consultancy services for Capital Gains Tax, Capital Acquisitions Tax and Revenue Audit work, we charge an hourly rate agreed in advance.